The Inquiry has published an update on its work.

This update provides a digest of:

  • Inquiry operations during social restrictions
  • Contact information
  • Disclosure figures
  • Core participant numbers

Inquiry operations during social restrictions

The Inquiry is currently in Module 1 of Phase 2. Module 1 focuses on the refurbishment of Grenfell Tower, and the Inquiry has so far heard evidence from Studio E witnesses and the first Exova witness. The Chairman issued a statement on 16 March 2020 explaining that Module 1 hearings have been suspended until further notice in accordance with government guidance. The Inquiry is continuing to explore whether it may be possible to resume hearings on a remote basis before restrictions are lifted and will update core participants when it is in a position to do so.

Contact information

The Inquiry’s work on other Phase 2 modules continues while hearings are suspended. In compliance with social restrictions, all Inquiry team members are working remotely to ensure operations continue, but can still be contacted on 0800 121 4282 or by emailing

Support services continue to be in place. If you need to talk about anything to do with your emotional wellbeing, the NHS website has further information at

The Grenfell Outreach Team is open Monday to Thursday from 09:00-20:00, and their number is 0208 637 6279. They also offer a weekend and out of hours service. More information can be found on the NHS website.

To protect both the community and the wider public from the spread of COVID-19, the Inquiry will not be holding drop-ins until guidance indicates that it is safe to do so. Anyone who wishes to contact the Inquiry in the meantime can do so through the routes detailed above.

Disclosure figures

The Inquiry’s online document sharing service Relativity has now been restored following issues with the provider’s global systems and work is continuing during this period of social restrictions, with the Inquiry continuing to disclose documents and prepare for Module 2. Inquiry solicitors have revised deadlines for submissions to account for the time that Relativity was unavailable.

As of 27 March 2020, the Inquiry has disclosed 20,752 documents in Phase 1, and 114,153 in Phase 2, coming to a total of 134,905.

The latest tranche of disclosure, with witness statement material, will total 2,423 documents and includes material relating to Construction; RBKC and TMO Governance; and Testing and Certification.

Core Participants

The full list of the Inquiry's core participants (CPs) is available on the key documents page. Further information on CPs is covered in our guide, which includes details of the role they play in the Inquiry, and how this differs from being a witness.


717 individuals have applied for CP status, of which 629 have been granted.


78 organisations have applied for CP status, of which 35 have been granted.


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