The Inquiry has published an update on its work.

This update provides a digest of:

  • Resumption of hearings
  • Phase 2 modules structure
  • Disclosure figures
  • Core participants
  • Drop-in sessions

Resumption of hearings

The Inquiry is aiming to resume Module 2 hearings on 8 February 2021.

The hearings will use a Zoom based video platform and allow all those who would have been required to be onsite for the limited attendance hearings to participate from remote locations. The updated provisional Phase 2 timetable can be found here.

Remote hearings are a temporary measure to be used only for as long as is absolutely necessary. More information about this decision can be found here.

Phase 2 module structure

In light of the new delays caused by the most recent wave of the virus and resulting government restrictions, the Panel has decided that it is in the public interest to restructure the currently proposed order of modules so that Module 4 (Aftermath) will now come after Module 7 (Experts).

One of the principal reasons for this is to avoid further delays to Modules 5 and 6, which are increasingly matters of urgency and importance in light of the evidence heard so far during Phase 2. This adjustment will mean that these modules can still be completed during 2021 as scheduled, and not  delayed into 2022.

The Inquiry continues to recognise the importance of the issues to be examined in Module 4 and remains fully committed to a full investigation of them. The Inquiry’s work on Module 4 continues at pace.

Disclosure figures

As at 26 January 2020, the Inquiry has disclosed 20,752 documents in Phase 1 and 210,848 in Phase 2, making a total of 231,500.

Core Participants

The full list of the Inquiry's core participants (CPs) is available on the key documents page. Further information on CPs is covered in our guide, which includes details of the role they play in the Inquiry and how this differs from being a witness.


725 individuals have applied for CP status, of which 639 have been granted.


83 organisations have applied for CP status, of which 39 have been granted.

Contact information

In line with social restrictions, all Inquiry team members are working remotely to ensure operations continue, but can still be contacted on 0800 121 4282 or by emailing

Drop-in sessions

In accordance with current guidance on public gatherings, the Inquiry is not currently holding drop-in events, but you can continue to contact the Inquiry team by phone or email using the details set out above.

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