The Inquiry has published an update.

This update provides information about:

  • Phase 2 disclosure
  • Core participant numbers
  • September drop-in
  • Counselling support

Phase 2 disclosure

In Phase 1 the Inquiry sat for 123 days of hearings, heard from over 140 witnesses and received over 500,000 documents relevant to both phases.

To date, the Inquiry has disclosed over 49,344 documents relating to Phase 2 and this process will continue in tranches throughout 2019. The Inquiry aims to start phase 2 hearings in January 2020.

Updated core participant numbers

The Inquiry has updated the published list of core participants.

The full list is available on the key documents page. Further information on core participants (CP) is covered in our guide to being a core participant. 


696 individuals have applied for CP status. 590 applications have been granted, comprising:

  • 564 from individuals whose names have been published, including 1 who has been anonymised (CCC); and
  • 26 from children under the age of 18. Their names are not included in the published list.

There are currently no outstanding anonymity applications.


70 organisations have applied for CP status, of which 30 have been granted. They comprise applications by:

  • 22 commercial organisations, of which 20 have been granted;
  • 5 trade unions, of which 2 have been granted;
  • 11 public bodies, of which 7 have been granted; and
  • 32 other organisations, of which 1 has been granted


The next public drop-in will be on Monday 2 September 2019. Members of the Inquiry team will be at the Notting Hill Methodist Church from 16:00-18:30. If you're interested in talking to the team and learning about the process of the Inquiry then please drop in at any time.  

If you are unable to attend, then please make contact using the details below. We can then arrange for individuals or small groups to speak with a member of the team at either a separate meeting or by phone.  


Phone: 020 7842 3583.

The Inquiry will continue to hold regular drop-ins at the Notting Hill Methodist Church on the first Monday of each month.

Counselling support

If you have been affected and need to talk about anything to do with your emotional wellbeing, the NHS website has further information at

The Grenfell Outreach Team continues to be open every day from 9am to 8pm, and at night from 10pm to 7am. Their number is 020 8962 4393.

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