The Inquiry has published an update on its work.

This update provides a digest of:

  • Plans for limited attendance hearings
  • Exchange of letters with the Prime Minister
  • Disclosure figures
  • Contact information
  • Drop-in sessions

Plans for limited attendance hearings

Following a consultation, the Inquiry wrote to core participants in May setting out the conclusion that limited attendance hearings presented the best option for resuming evidential hearings. The Inquiry is working towards resuming hearings on Monday 6 July at 13 Bishop’s Bridge Road, and is proceeding on the basis that the current restrictions will remain in place. Hearings will only resume if it is safe to do so and remains consistent with the available guidance and the Government’s easing of restrictions.

The Panel's primary concern is the health, safety and wellbeing of all those who would need to attend. The Inquiry team has been working with its contractors to put arrangements in place so that a limited number of attendees can use the Inquiry premises safely and in line with government guidelines. A thorough risk assessment process will be undertaken by the Government Property Agency to ensure compliance with all health and safety requirements.

For these arrangements to be effective, we will need to begin by restricting attendance to the members of the Panel, Counsel to the Inquiry, the witness, their legal representative and any person providing immediate support, and those Inquiry staff and contractors critical to the operation of the hearings. A member of the Press Association will be invited to enable first-hand reporting and assist in making the process as transparent as possible.

Hearings will continue to be streamed online, and Hestia will continue to be available to provide a range of remote wellbeing support services for the bereaved, survivors and residents.

The Inquiry will keep attendance numbers under constant review. The Panel are particularly keen for the bereaved, survivor and resident community to return when possible, but their safety must be our overriding concern and it is too early to suggest when or how that might be possible.

Exchange of letters with the Prime Minister

The Prime Minister wrote to the Chairman this month to update him on the Government’s progress in implementing the recommendations of the Phase 1 report. You can read the Chairman’s response here.

Disclosure figures

As at 8 June 2020, the Inquiry has disclosed 20,752 documents in Phase 1, and 154, 333 in Phase 2, coming to a total of 175,085.

Contact information

The Inquiry’s work on other Phase 2 modules continues while hearings are suspended. In line with social restrictions, all Inquiry team members are working remotely to ensure operations continue, but can still be contacted on 0800 121 4282 or by emailing

Support services continue to be in place. If you need to talk about anything to do with your emotional wellbeing, the NHS website has further information at

The Grenfell Outreach Team is open Monday to Thursday from 09:00-20:00, and their number is 0208 637 6279. They also offer a weekend and out of hours service. More information can be found on the NHS website.

To protect both the community and the wider public from the spread of COVID-19, the Inquiry will not be holding drop-ins until guidance indicates that it is safe to do so. Anyone who wishes to contact the Inquiry in the meantime can do so through the routes detailed above.

Drop-in sessions

The drop-in session for June has been cancelled in line with current guidelines around public gatherings. Please email if you wish to speak to a member of the Inquiry team.

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