Drop-in session to meet the Inquiry team

If you're interested in talking to the team and learning about the process of the Inquiry then please visit at any point during this time.

If you are unable to attend, you can contact us using the details below. We can then arrange for individuals or small groups to speak with one of the team at either a separate meeting or by phone. Further drop-ins will be held at the Notting Hill Methodist Church on the first Monday of every month.

Email: contact@grenfelltowerinquiry.org.uk

Update from the Inquiry

This update provides information about:

  • Phase 2 disclosure
  • Core participant numbers
  • September drop-in
  • Counselling support

Phase 2 disclosure

In Phase 1 the Inquiry sat for 123 days of hearings, heard from over 140 witnesses and received over 500,000 documents relevant to both phases.

Drop in sessions to meet the Inquiry team

If you're interested in talking to the team and learning about the process of the Inquiry then please drop in at any time.  

If you are unable to attend, you can contact us using the details below. We can then arrange for individuals or small groups to speak with one of the team at either a separate meeting or by phone. Further drop-ins will be held at the Notting Hill Methodist Church on the first Monday of every month.

Email: contact@grenfelltowerinquiry.org.uk

Update from the Inquiry

Having considered a large number of locations, the Inquiry has identified a venue in West London in order to accommodate its increased requirements for Phase 2. For the duration of the Phase 2 hearings, the Inquiry will be located on the ground floor of 13 Bishop’s Bridge Road, London, W2 6BU.

Update from the Inquiry

Ahead of the second anniversary of the fire at Grenfell Tower on 14 June 2017, the Chairman of the Inquiry the Rt Hon Sir Martin Moore-Bick has made the following statement:

‘On the second anniversary of the fire, my own thoughts and the thoughts of every member of the Inquiry team are with those who lost their lives, their families and friends and those members of the community whose lives continue to be affected in so many ways by this disaster.’

Update on panel members

Today the Prime Minister has announced the appointment of two new panel members to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry, Professor Nabeel Hamdi and Ms Thouria Istephan.  You can view the announcement here.

Chairman to the Inquiry, Sir Martin Moore-Bick, said of the appointments:

“I welcome the appointment of Professor Hamdi and Ms Istephan, and look forward to working with them on Phase 2 of the Inquiry.

Drop in sessions to meet the Inquiry team

If you're interested to talk to the team and learn about the process of the Inquiry then please drop-in at any time.  

If you are unable to attend, then please make contact using the details below. We can then arrange for individuals or small groups to speak with one of the team at either a separate meeting or by phone.  Further drop-ins will be held at the Notting Hill Methodist Church on the first Monday of following month.

contact@grenfelltowerinquiry.org.uk or 020 7842 3583.

Update from the Inquiry

As work continues on the Phase 1 report and with preparations for Phase 2 hearings well underway, this update provides information about:

  • Updated core participant numbers
  • Phase 1 report
  • Phase 2 disclosure
  • Counselling support

Updated core participant numbers

The Inquiry has updated the published list of core participants.

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