Update from the Inquiry

It is with the deepest regret that I have to report that on 19 August 2022 our Inquiry Secretary and colleague, Nicole Kett, passed away after a short illness. On behalf of the whole Inquiry team, I wish to express the shock and sadness we all feel. Nicole took up her post at the beginning of June 2022 and had quickly become a very well-liked and highly respected member of the team. She approached her new role with vigour, intelligence and compassion and contributed a great deal during that short period, for which we remain grateful.

August 2022 Newsletter

This update contains information about: 

  • Phase 2 closing statements 
  • Monthly community drop-in sessions 
  • Disclosure figures
  • Core Participant figures
  • Support arrangements after hearings 
  • Contacting the inquiry

Phase 2 closing statements 

July 2022 Newsletter

This update contains information about:

  • End of Phase 2 hearings
  • Phase 2 report preparation
  • Monthly community drop-in sessions
  • Disclosure figures
  • Core Participant figures
  • Support arrangements during hearings
  • Contact information

End of Phase 2 hearings

End of Phase 2 Hearings

Today marks the last of the Inquiry's evidential hearings. The Panel will hear final closing statements from core participants in November. 

The Panel will now begin preparing their final report. This will involve a review of the evidence heard in Phase 2, including written and oral witness testimony and expert analysis, and the formulation of recommendations based on the evidence heard.

June 2022 Newsletter

This update contains information about:

  • Module 8 hearings
  • Monthly community drop-in sessions
  • Disclosure figures
  • Core Participant figures
  • Support arrangements during hearings
  • Contacting the Inquiry

Module 8 hearings

On Monday 4 July the Inquiry will begin hearings in Module 8, the final module of Phase 2 of the Inquiry. Module 8 will include presentations of evidence concerning those who lost their lives in the Grenfell Tower fire.

Update from the Inquiry

The Inquiry is pleased to share that Nicole Kett has been appointed as the new Director General and Secretary to the Inquiry. Nicole started work as Director General and Secretary to the Inquiry on 13 June 2022, taking over from Mark Fisher. Nicole was previously Director for Strategy and Policy in the Ministry of Defence and has spent the majority of her career in the public service, in the areas of social policy development and implementation and strategic finance. 

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